Julie's Blog

Christmas = HOME

When you mention Christmas, what are the images that comes up to you? 

for me Christmas , is HOME, where our family members , friends reunion. So decoration a home for Christmas is a most symbolic  yet globally practiced decoration. 

the whole idea is make the home most welcoming, to receive our kids our parents, our friends or even a stranger who dosent have a home. this is another subject. 

Now, on the contrary of subtlety i often look into it when it comes decorating a home, at Christmas  I would almost go for ostentatious,   to mark this most traditional, and most loved by all generations , all races around world, Christmas not anymore for the westerner, its as popular as in Asia, it is beyond its real meaning, beyond religions. It is just a magic moment of the year. I love Christmas. 

My best friend, who is jewish, he always get so excited when it comes to Christmas tree, he told me that when he was a boy, he had to go to his neighbour 's home to look at their Christmas tree, he just loved it. So now he finally he got decorate his own Christmas tree at home, 

Celebrate, Life should not only be lived, should be celebrate ! more you praise and celebrate , there is more in life to celebrate . last 5 years i spent each christmas season time off, go to Shanghai, to helping my mother for taking care of my late father, so I missed 5 christmas celebration. so this year I did catch up.